Category: Controversial
Shame Only Attends Where We Are Interested
“Shame attends only where we are interested.” I came across this quote in Failing Desire by Karmen MacKendrick, a book I recently started reading because of my interest in societal shame. The book “draws on theology and queer theory to argue for the power of humiliating pleasures in a culture oriented very strongly to denying any enjoyment that is not There’s more for you to read!
We need to get rid of gender-stereotyped toys
We need to get rid of gender-stereotyped toys. It sends out the message that girls and boys are different, which makes girls that play with boy toys and vice versa feel weird and abnormal. There’s more for you to read!
Fitting in Society’s Beauty Standards
Why do we always worry about our appearances? Why do we worry about whether we are dressing up ‘too prettily’ or ‘too fancy’ for the occasion? Why are there certain occasions in which we can’t be that pretty? It’s like there has been a complete flip of rules since I’ve reached young adulthood. As teenagers, following the fashion rules and There’s more for you to read!
Black Pete Shouldn’t be Black
When people ask me about my favourite holiday, my answer is Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas), even though I haven’t celebrated it in 10 years. Holidays like Christmas don’t bring me as much excitement as it does for other people. But if there’s one thing I’d like children to experience it’s Sinterklaas, because it was one of the best things in my childhood. There’s more for you to read!
Somehow We’re Still Allowed to Smoke
Sometimes the human race is pretty stupid. I’m sure we can all agree with that statement even if you may not agree with what I’m about to write. I’m not referring to smokers with that statement. Instead, I’m referring to the fact that smoking in public places, such as on the street, is still allowed. Smoking has been around for There’s more for you to read!
Scrapping ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’?
While Trump has just banned transgenders from the military, Amsterdam announced that they will henceforth only use gender-neutral language. Just two weeks earlier, the London Underground announced to scrap ‘ladies and gentlemen’ for a gender-neutral greeting and yesterday the NS, the biggest train operator in the Netherlands announced that they will do the same. I think this is a great There’s more for you to read!
The Right to Die
Why are you so concerned about the way someone else lives their life? Who are you to decide whether someone has to live or not? Do you feel the pain and suffering that this person has to go through? Have you spoken to the individual and listened to their pain and suffering? I am talking to you, Kees van der There’s more for you to read!
Are paedophiles evil?
Are paedophiles bad people? They are pure evil, some people will say. But are they? The topic came up in a class called ‘learn career and citizenship’, 3 years ago. Our teacher said, “I don’t really think these people can help themselves. What if you are born that way? That must be really awful. I would feel really awful.” I There’s more for you to read!