Category: LGBT
Coming Out Struggle: Coming Out
How do you come out? It’s kind of weird that we have to come out when straight people don’t. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t particularly like standing up in front of a group of people and telling them whatever it is that I have to say. Well, it’s much more awkward when you have to announce something personal, even There’s more for you to read!
Coming Out Struggle: Help a guy started flirting with me!
In September 2015, I moved into university accommodation, together with 14 other flatmates. Like everyone else, I decorated my room and tried to make it feel like home. Next to displaying a dozen books and some postcards from my friends, I’d put up a rainbow ribbon and drawing of me and my friend at a gay pride, which really made There’s more for you to read!
Coming Out Struggle: Can I hold a girl’s hand in public?
Can I hold a girl’s hand in public? Shortly after coming out, one of the main things I worried about was whether or not I could have a girlfriend, and whether or not people could know if we were a couple, and whether or not I could show that kind of affection in public. It seems like such a small thing but I wasn’t sure if I could hold another girl’s hand in public. Would people look? Would people comment on it or call us names? Would I draw attention to myself? Would people start looking at me differently? There’s more for you to read!
Coming out struggle: Can I still shower with my football team?
After I realised and accepted that I am a lesbian back in 2013, I suddenly felt a bit awkward when showering with my football team after matches. I don’t know why because nothing had actually changed. I suppose I was worried that if they knew they would be worried that I would look differently at them… while… showering? It doesn’t There’s more for you to read!
Scrapping ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’?
While Trump has just banned transgenders from the military, Amsterdam announced that they will henceforth only use gender-neutral language. Just two weeks earlier, the London Underground announced to scrap ‘ladies and gentlemen’ for a gender-neutral greeting and yesterday the NS, the biggest train operator in the Netherlands announced that they will do the same. I think this is a great There’s more for you to read!
My Analogy with Lesbians
‘I don’t mind her knowing as she is another lesbian like the two of us,’ Will said to me. You’re right, Will is a guy’s name and he is certainly not a lesbian, nor is the ‘she’ he referred to. A few weeks ago I brought this strange analogy to life when I tried to show my friends they had nothing to There’s more for you to read!
A person is a person
I remember a time in which I thought I was okay with seeing two girls in a romantic relationship but felt like I couldn’t look at them if they were kissing. I think this was the case for me because I could relate to it and that scared me. The key thing that I would like to focus on here There’s more for you to read!
Leave this Blue Neighbourhood
In the summer of 2015, Troye Sivan, a twenty-year-old actor, singer, songwriter and Youtuber surprised millions of fans by announcing his new EP WILD, shortly followed by the announcement of his debut album Blue Neighbourhood. Troye kicked off his Youtube career back in 2007 when he uploaded covers until he started making vlogs. Whilst he stopped sharing covers, his vlogs There’s more for you to read!
Never fall in love with a straight girl
Alex Vause told us, alright. Still, how is it that the first rule is the one all lesbians seem to break? Every single lesbian that I’ve met so far has been tricked by one of these attractive creatures. Or rather, it is our mind that tricked us. We know we shouldn’t get too close. We know that potential heartbreak is There’s more for you to read!
Is that your girlfriend?
“Is that your girlfriend?” someone asked me after seeing a picture of us. My girlfriend? What are you talking about? Does it look like we even know each other? We’re just simple acquaintances. I got this question for the first time about two years ago. A few more people have asked me the same question over time. I suppose it’s There’s more for you to read!
Am I a lesbian?
My dad and I sat down on the side of my bed. He told me it would be okay; it would be okay- awesome in fact- if I would end up having a goth phase in my life- or, anything else, really. I was 8 then and I always knew that if I wouldn’t be straight my parents wouldn’t have There’s more for you to read!
You were a friend of mine
I have previously written about her in another blog post. That blog post was inspired by this video and the blog post inspired this video. The idea and ‘story’ of this video are inspired by my own emotions regarding a real person. I used this manga for the sole purpose of conveying these emotions. I did not figure out the There’s more for you to read!
Love conquers hate
Ina did not feel like waking up on the 28th of June. She turned off her alarm clock and then minute after minute passed. Wake up please! I urged her in my mind. I looked up which subway line I’d have to take in order to get to the parade- only 3 stations away from here- if she didn’t want There’s more for you to read!
Gay supporters, OUT
Yesterday we encountered a protest against gay marriage and or sexuality. We were heading for one of the small palaces in Seoul after leaving the National Palace Museum of Korea. Right before the entrance of this place, people were sitting in rows while holding signs as they looked up to the stage in front of them. There were a few people There’s more for you to read!