Category: Coming Out Struggles
Coming Out Struggle: Coming Out
How do you come out? It’s kind of weird that we have to come out when straight people don’t. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t particularly like standing up in front of a group of people and telling them whatever it is that I have to say. Well, it’s much more awkward when you have to announce something personal, even There’s more for you to read!
Coming Out Struggle: Help a guy started flirting with me!
In September 2015, I moved into university accommodation, together with 14 other flatmates. Like everyone else, I decorated my room and tried to make it feel like home. Next to displaying a dozen books and some postcards from my friends, I’d put up a rainbow ribbon and drawing of me and my friend at a gay pride, which really made There’s more for you to read!
Coming Out Struggle: Can I hold a girl’s hand in public?
Can I hold a girl’s hand in public? Shortly after coming out, one of the main things I worried about was whether or not I could have a girlfriend, and whether or not people could know if we were a couple, and whether or not I could show that kind of affection in public. It seems like such a small thing but I wasn’t sure if I could hold another girl’s hand in public. Would people look? Would people comment on it or call us names? Would I draw attention to myself? Would people start looking at me differently? There’s more for you to read!
Coming out struggle: Can I still shower with my football team?
After I realised and accepted that I am a lesbian back in 2013, I suddenly felt a bit awkward when showering with my football team after matches. I don’t know why because nothing had actually changed. I suppose I was worried that if they knew they would be worried that I would look differently at them… while… showering? It doesn’t There’s more for you to read!