Category: Life lessons
The Reality of Covid-19
Diary Excerpt 1 April 2020 I’m feeling sick to my stomach. The sun has set and the streets are empty just like they have been all day. I went skating earlier and it felt really good to exert myself, the sun was shining and I love the smell of spring. Everyone in my community is complying with the social distancing There’s more for you to read!
I thought you would love me unconditionally
I thought you would love me unconditionally. You wanted me, right? But now that it’s not what you want, you’ve had enough and turned me off like a television screen. There’s more for you to read!
It’s about HOW you handle a situation
I have recently taken on a new mindset to deal with continuous struggles. I used to measure how well I was doing based on the circumstances and on how I was feeling. Say I’d have three breakdowns in a week, had been feeling dizzy every day and been awoken by dreams every night, then I’d say I’d been doing pretty There’s more for you to read!
Fitting in Society’s Beauty Standards
Why do we always worry about our appearances? Why do we worry about whether we are dressing up ‘too prettily’ or ‘too fancy’ for the occasion? Why are there certain occasions in which we can’t be that pretty? It’s like there has been a complete flip of rules since I’ve reached young adulthood. As teenagers, following the fashion rules and There’s more for you to read!
Overcoming the Fear of Failing
Do you remember participating in sports tournaments during your childhood? Let’s say, a tennis tournament, in my case. Or do you remember participating in a drawing or poetry contest, or did you ever audition for a musical? If I participated in any competition, my parents would tell me: ‘Remember, it doesn’t matter if you win as long as you try There’s more for you to read!
I published a book when I was 13 and felt utterly ashamed
On 11 May 2009, I published a novella named ‘Een Moeilijke Kamp Ervaring,’ which directly translates to ‘A difficult camping experience’. I was 13 at the time and felt the utmost compulsion to write this story down as quickly as I could. I believe it only took me a few weeks to write and finish it, and once I did, There’s more for you to read!
The Art of Drinking and Going Out
For years I struggled with the idea of going out. Entering a place where your shirt sticks to your back and where dozens of people are tipsy or drunk, dancing and shouting over the loud music has never been my idea of fun and certainly not one of comfort. Yet, this seemed to be the social thing people do once There’s more for you to read!
My Birthday is a Trigger
Birthdays are supposed to be good days; days that you look forward to and wish to celebrate. I liked my birthday a lot when I was a child. Everyone likes receiving presents, eating cake and celebrating with friends, right? I do too, or I used to, at the very least. However, my birthday has turned into a day of expectations. Birthdays There’s more for you to read!
Divorce: Rift Between Parent and Child
I always expected my parents to divorce at some point. I didn’t know when, and I thought it had been long overdue, but I was pretty certain it would happen. Naturally, then, when it happened, it was quite unexpected. It was in a year when I thought they were fighting the least. They seemed to have a few common interests There’s more for you to read!
Expectations are resentments in the making
Expectations are resentments in the making. In other words, expectations have the chance to turn into resentment when they aren’t met. Every relationship comes with expectations. Parents might expect their children to clean up after themselves. Someone might expect to see his/her friend every Friday for the film night. Couples may expect to share all personal details with one another. It There’s more for you to read!
Why Sport is Good for My and Your (Mental) Health
From the age of three, until I became an adult, my parents insisted that I participate in at least one sport (of my own choice). This meant that I had at least one training session each week next to the two weekly PE sessions in school. When I was three this was dance aerobics as my mum took that class There’s more for you to read!
The benefits of attending Graduation
If any of you have been following my twitter, it must have been clear that graduation has been stressing me out to the point where I wondered if I even want to attend. Graduation is stressful for a few reasons, like… what do I wear? and, will my divorced parents end up fighting or causing a scene? as well as… There’s more for you to read!
Chasing Perfection
On New Year’s Eve In 2010, I finished a manuscript for a novel that had taken me over two years to write. Before I finished stories much quicker and for a long time, it felt like I had been standing still until I reached this new accomplishment. It felt incredible at the moment but I came down quite quickly afterwards. It had There’s more for you to read!
Fear of the unknown
I was never one to be scared of my next destination. Many people asked me if I was scared to go to Aberystwyth, and when I answered no, it was met with admiration and surprise. Apparently, it is scary to move from a place that you know to a place that you have never been before. I didn’t feel that way There’s more for you to read!