On the lookout for Nessi!

Inverness, the place close to Loch Ness, home of Nessi. The monster my dad told me to look out for. ‘Think twice before you dive into Loch Ness!’ But it is the monster we all secretly want to see. That night we prepared ourselves in Cavell House to face the monster. Batteries of camera’s were charged, we filled our stomachs with chinese, followed by There’s more for you to read!


Our first stop in Edinburgh wasn’t very touristic although set in an old church. We stayed in Belford hostel but had trouble sleeping as one of our roommates snored louder than a bear! I don’t think Vanessa’s earplugs were effective enough but then again, Iben didn’t hear a thing. Day 1 Apart from the sleeping conditions it was great to be in There’s more for you to read!

We had to run to make it to Glasgow

‘It’s not there. It’s not there! I should go back,’ I said as I started running. I had 15 minutes before the train to ‘Glasgow’ would leave and I wouldn’t be able to get on it without the card I thought I’d forgotten at home. Completely flustered I had checked all the pockets I had but couldn’t find it. About There’s more for you to read!