The Right to Die

Why are you so concerned about the way someone else lives their life? Who are you to decide whether someone has to live or not? Do you feel the pain and suffering that this person has to go through? Have you spoken to the individual and listened to their pain and suffering? I am talking to you, Kees van der Staaij, the Dutch leader of a religious party called the SGP.

“In the Netherlands, the doctor kills you,” is the title of his opinion piece that he sent to America. He states that the Dutch euthanasia policy is too liberal (read about the policy here). But here’s my question: on what grounds and for what reason do you think everyone has to live? (“Life is the most precious gift God is giving us. People have to keep their hands off,” their site reads.) Van der Staaij, has this idea always been stuck in your head? Have you ever read up on it and questioned it? Or is it a matter of “why would I, choosing to die isn’t normal.”

But why is that? We relieve pets from their suffering when they are too ill and if they’re only suffering. Why isn’t this a possibility for people? Why do we have to suffer when there’s no need to?

Van der Staaij, are you fighting against euthanasia because it brings along change? Is it too difficult for you to open up to something that could relieve another human being from pain?

Sometimes life is one big prison. Society and the government help us with their rules and structure but keeping someone here against their will when there’s no reason to is the opposite of helping.

“Now that the fundamental right to life is threatened in the Netherlands, it’s time for others to voice their opinions on the Dutch culture of euthanasia,” van der Staaij writes. The fundamental right to live? As far as I know, the right to live isn’t taken away by giving people the choice of whether they want to end their life.

Once circumstances in our lives have become too dire I believe individuals should have the choice whether they want to continue living. Having to talk to a doctor and meeting conditions is understandable but what I don’t understand is that the SGP leader knocks on America’s door in the hope to deminish our policy on euthanasia.

Read the Dutch version here

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