Review: The Voice of the Sea

PLEASE NOTE THAT once this book is set to be released in English as well I will change the information accordingly. As I prefer to write in English, I have written my review in English first and thus deem it fit to also enable readers to read this in English if they wish.

The Voice of the Sea by Mara Li
Series: Eiland in de mist #1
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian
Publisher: Storm Publishersgriconnoshadow
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‘Ik ben in de zee geboren. In de nacht dat mama moest bevallen, rolden de golven als reuzen naar het strand en krijste mijn moeder als de meeuwen. Ze riep net zo lang om de zee tot mijn vader er gehoor aan gaf en haar zwoegende lichaam in zijn armen naar buiten droeg. Daar lag ze in een witte jurk op haar rug in de modder, haar benen wijd in de branding. De golven trokken me naar buiten. Voordat mijn vader me vast kon grijpen, had ik al kennis gemaakt met het zilte water.’

Nimue kent haar moeder slechts uit verhalen. Na een allesverwoestende storm besluit ze om samen met haar broertje Arthur naar haar op zoek te gaan. Tijdens hun reis ontdekken ze dat hun familiegeschiedenis heeft geleid tot een gevecht tegen een ziekte die de mensheid lijkt uit te roeien. Zullen ze hun moeder vinden? Kunnen ze het opnemen tegen hun nietsontziende oom? En welke rol geeft hun afstamming aan Arthur en Nimue zelf?

As a Storm Chaser, I have been able to read this book before its publication. I have done this with much excitement and I have to say that even now, two months after I’ve read it I am still in wonder about how much I actually like it.

A very strong point about this book is the world in which the story takes place. I have read many Young Adult books in which the world is more or less a side-issue and the main focus lies upon the love between two characters. The world in this book feels real. The places that they visit and the people that they meet are believable, realistic and detailed.

I think it is partly because of this that once you’ve started and are well on your way, you get completely sucked in. I did struggle with the beginning of the story because the actual setting does not lie within my field of interests. However, the atmosphere and the life of these characters were tangible from page one.

The further you proceed in the book, the more signs you recognize from earlier on. The entire story feels like one big web and every thread is needed for you to see more of the bigger picture. As you get further, the story also makes you more eager to know what exactly is going on. There are quite a few questions that demand answers and there is enough space for you to fantasize about more than one possible option of what could be.

Another thing I’d like to point out is that the backstory of the family has been worked out thoroughly. This, once again, makes it realistic. Personally I am a big fan of the bond between Nimue and her brother, Arthur. A huge plus for me is also that there, is, in fact, no love story (yet). A big world seems to lie in front of us at the end of the first book and you are definitely longing for more.

In terms of Dutch written work, I’d definitely say this is a little jewel among Young Adult books. The writer has her own special writing style that perfectly suits this story. But even if you place this book among Young Adult books from abroad, I think this one is very special. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for more than a romance driven story set in a dystopian world. As anyone reading this genre knows, these are hard to come by.


Dutch date of release: 09-06-2015

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