Category: Video Editing
Protected: When the Mind Forgets, but the Body Remembers
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Artistic Activism
Art is sometimes seen as useless. It’s certainly widely argued that humanities degrees have less value than those in the sciences and if you’re in it for the money, studying English or Art is generally not advised. Born in China, this narrative was present when Wenqing Yan, a 30 year old artist, illustrator, graphic novelist and co-founder of Axent Wear There’s more for you to read!
The Person I’ve Always Been
First Published in InQluded, a magazine based in New York with the mission to empower QTIBIPoC youth. I never considered myself to be a person of colour. There were other parts of my identity that seemed easier or even more obvious to embrace than my racial identity. The road to understanding and embracing my own sexuality came long before confronting There’s more for you to read!
Writing VS Video Editing
I made my first video with gifs, as I understood I could make a video by combining several moving pictures. At that time, I didn’t yet realise it was possible to get actual video material, but luckily I found out fairly quickly through my fellow editors. My first videos were fan videos contributed to Avatar the Last Airbender. I was There’s more for you to read!
Obscure Words #1
If you are a Tumblr user like me you might have come across one of these words before. If you aren’t, behold! Your vocabulary is about to get expanded. Because most of us would like to avoid cramming a whole list of words I’m going to keep it short and post 4 new words every week. (This is a Na’vi There’s more for you to read!
Making of my AMV
The feelings that inspired this video “Every time I close my eyes, I have this picture in my head in which she gives me a soft kiss on the cheek, lets me be and I slip away in a dreamy world. It’s sweet, romantic, tender and at the same time there’s agony, torture, desire and the stab of a knife.” There’s more for you to read!
You were a friend of mine
I have previously written about her in another blog post. That blog post was inspired by this video and the blog post inspired this video. The idea and ‘story’ of this video are inspired by my own emotions regarding a real person. I used this manga for the sole purpose of conveying these emotions. I did not figure out the There’s more for you to read!
Explaining Anime Music Videos
The video above explains AMV editing in its most basic form. #1 choose a song. #2 choose an anime. #3 take certain parts out of the anime episode and place it on the song. Anyone can do it. We all have Windows Movie Maker, right? (Unless you’re using an MAC, of course.) But not everyone makes the same video and There’s more for you to read!
My Avatar obsession
I am not a fangirl and have never been. I don’t get over the top addicted to series or shows or anything, really. But there was one show that I did obsess over for a while *cough*, a few years. I might not remember important happenings from history lessons, but I still know all these things about ATLA. If you There’s more for you to read!