Category: My time at university
The Art of Drinking and Going Out
For years I struggled with the idea of going out. Entering a place where your shirt sticks to your back and where dozens of people are tipsy or drunk, dancing and shouting over the loud music has never been my idea of fun and certainly not one of comfort. Yet, this seemed to be the social thing people do once There’s more for you to read!
The benefits of attending Graduation
If any of you have been following my twitter, it must have been clear that graduation has been stressing me out to the point where I wondered if I even want to attend. Graduation is stressful for a few reasons, like… what do I wear? and, will my divorced parents end up fighting or causing a scene? as well as… There’s more for you to read!
Why I would choose Aberystwyth again
I only have seven days left in Aberystwyth before I move away. Reflecting back on my three years in this beautiful town, I am really quite sad to go. I chose this place based on my university course and I haven’t always been entirely satisfied with the course. But overall, if I could go back in time and change my There’s more for you to read!
Everything changes | End of university
During Easter break of my year at university, I was amazed. Everyone left Aberystwyth as soon as they could. It didn’t seem to matter if you had another class on Friday; everyone (or most people) definitely had to go home as soon and as fast as they could. In what seemed like just a few hours, the 15 residents of There’s more for you to read!
In between places
During one of my writing modules this semester, we discussed liminal spaces; places that are in-between, border places or places in transition like an airport, travelling on a bus or train and places like universities. For a lot of students, university is a place of transition. Students move to a place away from home where they can start building their new lives and There’s more for you to read!
‘We’re doing it together; we’re doing it for each other,’ is typically what a team would in the changing rooms before a match. I started off as a tennis player but fell in love with football. Playing football isn’t as lonely as playing tennis since knowing that there are 10 other people on the pitch to support you is reassuring. There’s more for you to read!
15 British Peculiarities
You alright? In Britain, a greeting isn’t a simple ‘hi’. Instead, a greeting always includes the question of how you are. I don’t understand the concept of this because when you pass each other on the street there’s no time to answer the question? And are you supposed to ask the question in return when an answer isn’t really expected There’s more for you to read!
‘I’m not as good as that person’ – pressure at University
‘I’m not good enough. I’m not as good as that person,’ is a thought that crosses my mind on a weekly basis and a thought that Chloe Price had too while at university, as written in a post recently published by the Guardian: ‘The party’s over – how tuition fees ruined university life‘. The article discusses a lot of topics There’s more for you to read!
Writing and Mental Health
On the 16th of March, Gwyneth Lewis (a Welsh poet) gave a talk on Writing on Mental Health at my university. I was interested because I’m a writer and I have struggled with depression myself. I wanted to know more about the relation between writing and mental health and one of the first points that Gwyneth gave immediately spoke to There’s more for you to read!
To belong or not; anxiety
I just finished writing an essay on Harry Potter for my children’s literature module. In my essay, I talk about the quest motif, and in specific about Harry’s quest for identity. When Harry discovers that he is a wizard and belongs in the wizarding world his identity changes. Suddenly he feels like he belongs somewhere as he is amongst ‘his’ There’s more for you to read!
Drinking alcohol or not
To drink alcohol or not to drink alcohol, is a question that runs through my mind way too often. I don’t know if I want to drink. Personally, I don’t feel like it. Socially I do. In a way, coming to a university in the UK was a mistake. The drinking culture is crazy. People drink to get drunk. The end. A There’s more for you to read!
Goodbyes are not forever goodbye’s
All around campus boxes have appeared. I see more parents than ever and slowly, the campus is getting emptier. 9 Months of university have passed and it is time for everyone to move on. It is time for everyone to go home. Somewhere around the beginning of April, I more or less started living in a different flat than There’s more for you to read!
Summer Ball 2016
Every year there’s a summer ball at the end of the academic year. The ball was kind of ridiculously expensive but I figured I would want to go at least once during my university time and if I were to go now I would know whether it’s worth it for the coming years. Back in September I stayed in while my entire There’s more for you to read!
Living in university accommodation
Penbryn is located at the centre of campus. Most of my classes are at a 5-minute walking distance, which is incredibly convenient. TaMed Da, the restaurant is downstairs in the same building as our sleeping residences. There is a small communal area on each floor for all of the hallways of that floor together. There’s more for you to read!