Quality time with my sister: chasing a mouse

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the phenomenon; cats that bring their owners’ mice as presents, but believe me, it’s true. Our cats can go freely in and out of the house due to their cat door. We close it at night to make sure no such presents can be brought inside. This usually works very well until There’s more for you to read!

To darkness

Wide open eyes look up, around, anywhere. At him and at her. They’re wondering. I am wondering, have been and always will except.. It’s not big eyes that you will see. In fact, it is not me at all who you will see. Not ever; for this society has forced her to hide and left to wonder on her own. There’s more for you to read!

Under the Surface

It is such a weird experience once you reach the surface. It feels as if you are suddenly able to breathe again after hours, days and sometimes weeks of suffocating. You need to get used to what was once a natural feeling. You’re afraid to even take a step. Is this real? Isn’t this some sort of illusion? Am I There’s more for you to read!

Turning black

I’m breathing… still breathing. It’s the only sound I’m hearing right now. A hushed breath, god I hope no one can hear it. I can’t stop the breathing because if I would, I’d fall down right here right now. My body is crouching. I really don’t know how my legs can keep me standing. I look tired, someone said. Do There’s more for you to read!

Every cat looks like a cat

Did anyone tell you yet how nice the weather is today? Because god, the weather is so nice today. However, there was no other soul nearby for me to share this revelation with, for both my mom and sister, have real life things to do. So I was just sitting here, all alone in a house that is really too There’s more for you to read!

We don’t get a vacation

I was walking home- a 6-minute walk from the bus stop, past the big pond in a neatly kept neighbourhood. My glance trailed down as I turned and the sun shone on my back. All around me I could hear the quiet of nature; birds hidden in trees, water gushing ceaselessly, a little breeze; and, of course, the children… laughing and playing There’s more for you to read!

Where no one sees and no one knows

 I don’t want to feel. I’m not feeling. I’m numb. I have time… I should… Write that article. Create a poster. Read through course material. Manage Finance stuff. I should… I feel so tired… so numb. Why can’t I talk to you? Who should I talk to? Tomorrow… More work tomorrow. There’s a deadline tomorrow. I need to smile again, There’s more for you to read!

‘Can I still cancel this meeting?’

Yesterday morning I awoke in pure distress. For the record: I had gone to sleep at 3 am after having 3 nights in a row with only 6 hours of sleep. (I think I need about 8 each night). Having to wake up at 8 am yesterday only added to my sleep deprivation, and fear. This, however, was not the There’s more for you to read!

Why I quit my job

I quit my job as a cashier because it made me feel unhappy. It was worsening my mental health and in the end, the money I earned wasn’t worth that. No amount of money is worth your mental health! However, it was quite difficult to make the final decision because… Well… decisions… decisions… If you are an over-thinker like I There’s more for you to read!

Review: Hitte

Hitte van Lis Lucassen Genre: New Adult Uitgever: Storm Publishers Koop als: paperback | e-book Rating:  Onder de hete zon, duizenden kilometers van huis, probeert Lynn Stevens haar leven weer op te pakken om de herinnering aan die ene fatale nacht te vergeten. Ze ontmoet Daan, de jongen met het wispelturige gedrag en de broeierige bruine ogen, die verplicht met zijn ouders op vakantie There’s more for you to read!