Category: Nostalgia
2017: The Year of Confidence
At the start of 2017, I was caught up in life. I wrote some blog posts but didn’t publish any of them. I didn’t feel the worst I ever felt, but I wasn’t entirely happy either. It felt like several pieces of a puzzle had been misplaced and thus the year became one of the difficult decisions to try and There’s more for you to read!
I lost ‘that one person’
I lost ‘that one person’. It’s a post I wrote that I am unable to read back. We struggled with the distance but we struggled more with other things. They don’t matter now. I broke up with her and I broke her heart. It must change something permanently. No matter what, she will never be able to see me the There’s more for you to read!
That one person
There’s hair everywhere. In the bed, in my clothes and at random places around the place. This is something I would have said when I still lived with cats, but the hair comes from someone else this time and it is not my girlfriend’s. I’m the one with the long hair and although I never really noticed the trail I left There’s more for you to read!
Where I’m now, was and where I’m going
On Facebook, I am friends with all the friends and people I know from The Netherlands. Every day I scroll through my newsfeed and every day I get a little glimpse into all of these people’s lives. I’m happy that I get to know a little of how their lives are going. And I’m sad that my life is now There’s more for you to read!
Goodbyes are not forever goodbye’s
All around campus boxes have appeared. I see more parents than ever and slowly, the campus is getting emptier. 9 Months of university have passed and it is time for everyone to move on. It is time for everyone to go home. Somewhere around the beginning of April, I more or less started living in a different flat than There’s more for you to read!
I held off the boat
You started drowning I watched You sank Empty lines unread I did not give you what you needed Forgive me Forget me Forlorn me Forget me Fucked up me Forget me Fantasy me Forget me Fragmented me Forget me They are your lines Your words I’m listening FRACTURED MIND forget me not I’m listening I’m There’s more for you to read!
Driving through my old hometown
I visited the Netherlands in the Christmas vacation several weeks ago. During my stay there, I saw my dad back in the town where I attended school for three years and while we were there we ended up driving through the town that I grew up in. We were only there to see my grandmother and I didn’t think to There’s more for you to read!
Saying goodbye to my friends
In six days from now, I will wake up in another bed in another room in another country. The bed will have my sheets and the room will contain my stuff, but I will no longer hear the neighbours door close when the children leave for school in the morning. My books will not be standing on their rightful shelf- actually, There’s more for you to read!
A divorce is very common, isn’t it?
A divorce, it’s very common nowadays, isn’t it? The thing about divorces… I totally get that people break up and that relationships don’t work out. I understand that people can’t know 10 years prior whether they will still love each other. In that moment when you marry or give birth to your first child, I expect people to think that they There’s more for you to read!
I dislike my birthday
There was a boy in my class during primary school, a Jehovah’s Witnesses. He wasn’t any different from the rest of us except for that he didn’t celebrate his birthday. He didn’t mind though because he’d spontaneously get gifts at other times. I didn’t understand it; why would someone want to miss out on his birthday and how could he There’s more for you to read!
My top 10 Favourite quotes from books
The 10 following quotes are ones that earned themselves a permanent spot in my memory. Many of these come from my favourite books. “But there are still the hours, aren’t there? One and then another, and you get through that one and then, my god, there’s another.” – Michael Cunningham, The Hours I can very much relate to this quote. There’s more for you to read!
Is that your girlfriend?
“Is that your girlfriend?” someone asked me after seeing a picture of us. My girlfriend? What are you talking about? Does it look like we even know each other? We’re just simple acquaintances. I got this question for the first time about two years ago. A few more people have asked me the same question over time. I suppose it’s There’s more for you to read!
My Avatar obsession
I am not a fangirl and have never been. I don’t get over the top addicted to series or shows or anything, really. But there was one show that I did obsess over for a while *cough*, a few years. I might not remember important happenings from history lessons, but I still know all these things about ATLA. If you There’s more for you to read!
Our new house
As I started writing this, I wasn’t at home. I was with my dad in Enschede which is as close as I will get to my old home. We didn’t have wi-fi yet. While I was in Korea, my entire household moved. My dad got his own apartment in Enschede, my mom moved to Soest and a day after that There’s more for you to read!