Author: Malou Micola
The Jacobite Steam Train (Harry Potter)
When I was looking around for things to do in Scotland, the Jacobite train showed up more than once with Harry Potter in its title. I couldn’t really ignore it, being the Harry Potter fan I am so eventually I clicked on it and found out the train took the route over the viaduct that is featured in the movies. There’s more for you to read!
On the lookout for Nessi!
Inverness, the place close to Loch Ness, home of Nessi. The monster my dad told me to look out for. ‘Think twice before you dive into Loch Ness!’ But it is the monster we all secretly want to see. That night we prepared ourselves in Cavell House to face the monster. Batteries of camera’s were charged, we filled our stomachs with chinese, followed by There’s more for you to read!
Our first stop in Edinburgh wasn’t very touristic although set in an old church. We stayed in Belford hostel but had trouble sleeping as one of our roommates snored louder than a bear! I don’t think Vanessa’s earplugs were effective enough but then again, Iben didn’t hear a thing. Day 1 Apart from the sleeping conditions it was great to be in There’s more for you to read!
We had to run to make it to Glasgow
‘It’s not there. It’s not there! I should go back,’ I said as I started running. I had 15 minutes before the train to ‘Glasgow’ would leave and I wouldn’t be able to get on it without the card I thought I’d forgotten at home. Completely flustered I had checked all the pockets I had but couldn’t find it. About There’s more for you to read!
My Analogy with Lesbians
‘I don’t mind her knowing as she is another lesbian like the two of us,’ Will said to me. You’re right, Will is a guy’s name and he is certainly not a lesbian, nor is the ‘she’ he referred to. A few weeks ago I brought this strange analogy to life when I tried to show my friends they had nothing to There’s more for you to read!
That one person
There’s hair everywhere. In the bed, in my clothes and at random places around the place. This is something I would have said when I still lived with cats, but the hair comes from someone else this time and it is not my girlfriend’s. I’m the one with the long hair and although I never really noticed the trail I left There’s more for you to read!
Where I’m now, was and where I’m going
On Facebook, I am friends with all the friends and people I know from The Netherlands. Every day I scroll through my newsfeed and every day I get a little glimpse into all of these people’s lives. I’m happy that I get to know a little of how their lives are going. And I’m sad that my life is now There’s more for you to read!
Goodbyes are not forever goodbye’s
All around campus boxes have appeared. I see more parents than ever and slowly, the campus is getting emptier. 9 Months of university have passed and it is time for everyone to move on. It is time for everyone to go home. Somewhere around the beginning of April, I more or less started living in a different flat than There’s more for you to read!
I held off the boat
You started drowning I watched You sank Empty lines unread I did not give you what you needed Forgive me Forget me Forlorn me Forget me Fucked up me Forget me Fantasy me Forget me Fragmented me Forget me They are your lines Your words I’m listening FRACTURED MIND forget me not I’m listening I’m There’s more for you to read!
Summer Ball 2016
Every year there’s a summer ball at the end of the academic year. The ball was kind of ridiculously expensive but I figured I would want to go at least once during my university time and if I were to go now I would know whether it’s worth it for the coming years. Back in September I stayed in while my entire There’s more for you to read!
A person is a person
I remember a time in which I thought I was okay with seeing two girls in a romantic relationship but felt like I couldn’t look at them if they were kissing. I think this was the case for me because I could relate to it and that scared me. The key thing that I would like to focus on here There’s more for you to read!
The coastal path to Borth
Living in Aberystwyth often feels like being on a holiday. I wake up with a view of the sea when I enter the kitchen. Seagulls are a part of the town and the environment gives me this calm sort of happy vibe. During my time here, the more time passed, more and more people started mentioning the coastal path to There’s more for you to read!
Leave this Blue Neighbourhood
In the summer of 2015, Troye Sivan, a twenty-year-old actor, singer, songwriter and Youtuber surprised millions of fans by announcing his new EP WILD, shortly followed by the announcement of his debut album Blue Neighbourhood. Troye kicked off his Youtube career back in 2007 when he uploaded covers until he started making vlogs. Whilst he stopped sharing covers, his vlogs There’s more for you to read!
Living in university accommodation
Penbryn is located at the centre of campus. Most of my classes are at a 5-minute walking distance, which is incredibly convenient. TaMed Da, the restaurant is downstairs in the same building as our sleeping residences. There is a small communal area on each floor for all of the hallways of that floor together. There’s more for you to read!