The coastal path to Borth
Living in Aberystwyth often feels like being on a holiday. I wake up with a view of the sea when I enter the kitchen. Seagulls are a part of the town and the environment gives me this calm sort of happy vibe. During my time here, the more time passed, more and more people started mentioning the coastal path to There’s more for you to read!
Leave this Blue Neighbourhood
In the summer of 2015, Troye Sivan, a twenty-year-old actor, singer, songwriter and Youtuber surprised millions of fans by announcing his new EP WILD, shortly followed by the announcement of his debut album Blue Neighbourhood. Troye kicked off his Youtube career back in 2007 when he uploaded covers until he started making vlogs. Whilst he stopped sharing covers, his vlogs There’s more for you to read!
Living in university accommodation
Penbryn is located at the centre of campus. Most of my classes are at a 5-minute walking distance, which is incredibly convenient. TaMed Da, the restaurant is downstairs in the same building as our sleeping residences. There is a small communal area on each floor for all of the hallways of that floor together. There’s more for you to read!
‘Do you remember when we won superteams??’ was the chant that echoed in one’s ear if in the company of one of the members of our team: ‘Our drinking team has a football problem.’ On Monday afternoon, most of us had a hangover or were still drunk from the previous night of celebration for winning what seems to be the There’s more for you to read!
It’s real
‘Are you okay?’ I’m not here. I’m not here. ‘She’s asleep.’ ‘Malou?’ I can’t hear you. I can’t hear you right now. From the other side of the counter, she gives me a smile. As I stand there in the middle of the room she picks up her cup and walks There’s more for you to read!
What freshers week was like
Back in 2015, I intended to write a post about what freshers week was like. It might be a little bit late now, but I like to so that I can save the memory. Looking back at the pictures from that week our haircuts all seem a little bit shorter and all our faces look that little bit younger. It There’s more for you to read!
My struggle at University
When I came to university I was afraid that I would not be able to live up to the standards of academic work. Like most, I was also afraid that I might not make any friends and at the same time, I had the slight fear of having chosen a course that I wouldn’t like after all. Then once I There’s more for you to read!
Driving through my old hometown
I visited the Netherlands in the Christmas vacation several weeks ago. During my stay there, I saw my dad back in the town where I attended school for three years and while we were there we ended up driving through the town that I grew up in. We were only there to see my grandmother and I didn’t think to There’s more for you to read!
Irrational insecurity
I know my thoughts are irrational. I know you like me and enjoy being my friend. But sometimes I really don’t know and I panic. I become afraid that I’m the most disgusting thing in the world in your eyes. You might dislike the way I sometimes turn away when our eyes meet. Or the way I never stand up There’s more for you to read!
Nadolig Llawen! Merry Christmas!
On the 8th of November, I heard the first Christmas song in our flat. Halloween decorations were removed from doors and replaced by Christmas decorations instead. For one, people like Christmas a lot, but on the other hand, since the vacation period started quite early we could not afford to wait too long to celebrate it. James organised our very own There’s more for you to read!
Activities Week & Exploring
Activities week was basically a 3-day lasting ‘week’ in which we got to try out different sports and societies. You could choose between sports ranging from underwater hockey to lacrosse and to basketball, but I had already set my eyes on football. Since football only took up 2 of my choices, I also tried out tennis, running and gave the There’s more for you to read!
Trip to Aberystwyth
In the last post before my 3-month break, I talked about stress. It turned out that the stress became too much for my body to handle and I became ill right a day before I had to leave. I felt so miserable that I had no choice but to lie in bed and mum finished packing for me. We left There’s more for you to read!
“I recognise it,” my mum said to me today. “There are always a thousand things to do and I’m constantly stressed,” I told her, not at all in a coherent way, and that I had to do this and this and this and this and this, and that basically, I was feeling kind of stressed. “You are about to move abroad, There’s more for you to read!
A writer committed suicide
Joost Zwagerman, a Dutch Writer committed suicide on the day his new book got published. I didn’t know him, but the news appeared everywhere. Another known person took his own life- a writer took his own life. The news articles told me he had been struggling with manic-depression and had a father and a best friend that tried to take There’s more for you to read!