Author: Malou Micola
Packing for university
Including today, there are only 12 days left until I move from this rainy country to the other. Needless to say, it is about time to start packing and our little ‘scavenger hunt’ for supplies is well on its way. The first thing my mum knew to find was the bedding. The accommodation only provides the frame of a bed There’s more for you to read!
A divorce is very common, isn’t it?
A divorce, it’s very common nowadays, isn’t it? The thing about divorces… I totally get that people break up and that relationships don’t work out. I understand that people can’t know 10 years prior whether they will still love each other. In that moment when you marry or give birth to your first child, I expect people to think that they There’s more for you to read!
Obscure Words #1
If you are a Tumblr user like me you might have come across one of these words before. If you aren’t, behold! Your vocabulary is about to get expanded. Because most of us would like to avoid cramming a whole list of words I’m going to keep it short and post 4 new words every week. (This is a Na’vi There’s more for you to read!
Making of my AMV
The feelings that inspired this video “Every time I close my eyes, I have this picture in my head in which she gives me a soft kiss on the cheek, lets me be and I slip away in a dreamy world. It’s sweet, romantic, tender and at the same time there’s agony, torture, desire and the stab of a knife.” There’s more for you to read!
I dislike my birthday
There was a boy in my class during primary school, a Jehovah’s Witnesses. He wasn’t any different from the rest of us except for that he didn’t celebrate his birthday. He didn’t mind though because he’d spontaneously get gifts at other times. I didn’t understand it; why would someone want to miss out on his birthday and how could he There’s more for you to read!
Visiting the wealthy
A few years ago I developed a certain interest in castles. At that time, I was writing a story about a princess and was struggling with the exact setting on the inside of her castle. I finally acquired a very detailed map of the inside of one such castle during my 6th visit to one. For a few years now, There’s more for you to read!
Depression is a cloud
It sort of paralyses me; it stops me from doing normal daily things, it disables my ability to smile and I feel like I can’t function. Depression does not define me, someone once said. It is a cloud… a layer of smog that settles over your mind- something that clouds the view of what the world is. Depression does not change There’s more for you to read!
My top 10 Favourite quotes from books
The 10 following quotes are ones that earned themselves a permanent spot in my memory. Many of these come from my favourite books. “But there are still the hours, aren’t there? One and then another, and you get through that one and then, my god, there’s another.” – Michael Cunningham, The Hours I can very much relate to this quote. There’s more for you to read!
The Forest Crocodile and Rats!
And so, day two of our road trip began. Our first stop: Hermanns Denkmal. Hermann is a modern translation of the original name, Arminius.He is known to have led a coalition of several Germanic tribes in rising against Rome. Three Roman legions were destroyed and because of this, Germania did not become a Roman province. As the unifier of several Germanic tribes There’s more for you to read!
Road trip with dad Day1
I don’t see my dad as often as I used to when my parents were still together. When I do, we often either go out for dinner or watch a movie in the cinema. Since I’ll be leaving soon for Wales, I thought it might be nice to spend a little more time together. Therefore, I suggested we pay a little There’s more for you to read!
Are paedophiles evil?
Are paedophiles bad people? They are pure evil, some people will say. But are they? The topic came up in a class called ‘learn career and citizenship’, 3 years ago. Our teacher said, “I don’t really think these people can help themselves. What if you are born that way? That must be really awful. I would feel really awful.” I There’s more for you to read!
Is that your girlfriend?
“Is that your girlfriend?” someone asked me after seeing a picture of us. My girlfriend? What are you talking about? Does it look like we even know each other? We’re just simple acquaintances. I got this question for the first time about two years ago. A few more people have asked me the same question over time. I suppose it’s There’s more for you to read!
Facing rejection
As many A-level related articles are appearing on my Facebook timeline, I can’t help but feel incredibly relieved for not being a part of it. It is not unknown that A-levels are putting a great amount of pressure on students in the UK. The results determine whether a student can enrol in his or her desired course and university. When There’s more for you to read!
Why write?
I never started a blog for the reason many others have. Why would anyone be interested in what I’m writing? I’m only writing about myself (I suppose that is what you do on a personal blog) but on some days I want nothing more than for myself to disappear. I don’t want to stand in anyone’s way so why would I There’s more for you to read!